[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:07:49.0RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/1000 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 200White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 50.4"Longitude: W 4° 59' 36.6"Altitude: 74.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:12:43.6RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/400 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 125White Balance: AutoAF Mode: ManualTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 49.8"Longitude: W 4° 59' 36.6"Altitude: 75.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:23:07RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/250 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 125White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCO[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:23:09.2RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/250 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 125White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCO[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:23:22.2RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/500 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 200White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCO[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:25:03.4RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/640 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 125White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCO[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:39:59.1RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/320 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 125White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: More ContrastFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 49.8"Longitude: W 4° 59' 36.6"Altitude: 80.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:40:06.4RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/250 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 125White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: More ContrastFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 49.8"Longitude: W 4° 59' 36.6"Altitude: 80.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:45:04.2RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/400 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 49.8"Longitude: W 4° 59' 36"Altitude: 80.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:48:53.4RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/640 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: More ContrastFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 49.8"Longitude: W 4° 59' 36"Altitude: 80.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:48:54.2RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/640 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: More ContrastFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 49.8"Longitude: W 4° 59' 36"Altitude: 80.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:49:45.1RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/500 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 49.8"Longitude: W 4° 59' 36"Altitude: 80.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:50:33.4RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/640 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: More ContrastFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 49.8"Longitude: W 4° 59' 36"Altitude: 80.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:57:56.1RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/750 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: More ContrastFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCO[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 10:58:44.1RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/750 sec - f/4Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: More ContrastFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCO[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 11:04:36.3RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed AutoMetering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/180 sec - f/6.7Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCO[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 11:09:19.5RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed AutoMetering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/200 sec - f/7.1Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: More ContrastFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 49.8"Longitude: W 4° 59' 37.8"Altitude: 79.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 11:12:36.5RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed AutoMetering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/200 sec - f/7.1Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 49.8"Longitude: W 4° 59' 37.8"Altitude: 79.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 11:13:23.1RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed AutoMetering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/200 sec - f/7.1Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 49.8"Longitude: W 4° 59' 37.8"Altitude: 79.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 11:13:25.0RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed AutoMetering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/200 sec - f/6.7Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCOLatitude: N 56° 36' 49.8"Longitude: W 4° 59' 37.8"Altitude: 79.00 m[#End of Shooting Data Section]
[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]Nikon D1X2002/06/27 13:18:00.6RAW (12-bit) Image Size: Large (3008 x 1960)ColorLens: 600mm f/4Focal Length: 600mmExposure Mode: Programmed Auto*Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern1/500 sec - f/4.2Exposure Comp.: 0 EVSensitivity: ISO 400White Balance: AutoAF Mode: AF-CTone Comp: NormalFlash Sync Mode: Not AttachedColor Mode: Mode II (Adobe RGB)Hue Adjustment: 0Sharpening: NoneNoise Reduction: Image Description: Camera ID: SCO[#End of Shooting Data Section]